
成都市蜀森红木工艺品有限公司位于全国著名的天府之国、鱼米之乡——四川金堂,公司汇聚各类专业人员自主设计研发、生产销售以名贵木材如:檀香紫檀、大叶紫檀、花梨木、大红酸枝、乌木、鸡翅木等精制而成的骨灰盒、首饰盒、珠宝包装盒等工艺品;同时承接各大殡仪馆业务用品大厅古典改装工程。公司坚持诚信为本、双赢共进为宗旨!欢迎各界领导、同仁莅临指导、合作,携手共同发展! company profile chengdu shusenrosewood arts & crafts, ltd is located in sichuan jingtang, sichuan is noted as the "land of abundance"., as well as the land of with a professional technical team, the company deals with designing, developing, producing and selling crafts like urn, jewelry boxes, jewel packing boxes, as well as other crafts, which are made up by valuable timber, such as redsanders, bois de rose, padauk, sian rosewood, ceylon ebomy and sian sema at the same time, the company undertakes funeral parlor business supplies and classical modification our company maintains the business principle of sincerity oriented and win-win our company warmly looks forward to establishing long term cooperation with fellow company all over the [了解更多]



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    通讯地址:四川省成都市 金堂县 清江镇工业园 浙ICP备17016739号-4
